Copyright © 2014. Sonoran Driving School. All rights reserved.
Once the student has gained control of the vehicle we drive into progressively more difficult traffic situations. It is very important for the student to be able to read the entire driving environment.
Additional concepts covered during instruction:
Following Distance
Space Cushion
Blind Spots
Decisive Moment
Stop Signs/Yield Signs/Warning Signs
Merging and Lane Changes
Crosswalk Traffic Light
Pedestrians and Bicyclists
Aggressive/Impaired Drivers
School and Construction Zones
Emergency Vehicles
Move Over Law
Stupid Motorist Law
Dust Storms
Driving on the LEFT side of a centerline
The training sequence generally proceeds along the following lines:
Basic Vehicle Control
Urban Driving
Open Road
Freeway Access Road
Freeway (Optional)
MVD no longer requires 3-Point or Parallel Parking. It's now a curbside parking/reversing procedure requirement and part of the Road Skills Evaluation.
Training begins in a quiet neighborhood where the driver learns Basic Vehicle Control. This consists of the following:
Operating: Brake/Gas/Signal Controls
Steering Techniques
Right Turns
Left Turns
Stopping the Car (Safe and Legal)
Sonoran Driving School's mission is to teach lifelong Defensive Driving Skills. Having the ability to drive safely and minimize the risks is not difficult. However, it does require a solid knowledge and understanding of the laws governing the roadways as well an awareness of the inherent risks present in the driving environment. As a professional driving school we are committed to providing you with a high quality instructional experience. It's known that driving practices are both attitudinal and habitual in nature. Therefore, it is important to understand and learn the correct skills and attitudes necessary to become a Defensive Driver. Additionally, it's recognized that knowledge and understanding alone are not sufficient to make one a competent driver. Many years of experience driving in a wide variety of conditions and roadways is necessary in order to become a safe and confident driver.